Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update on Baby D

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. According to my doctor she said everything is looking great and is the way it should be. My blood pressure was great, few pounds on the scale was good, and the heartbeat was 154. 17 weeks down, 23 to go! My belly was measuring at "18" not sure what that means but she said looks good. 3 weeks until our ultrasound so we are looking forward to that! Summer sure is flying by, hope you are enjoying it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Two will become Three!

I think most everyone knows by now but we are excited to announce we are going to have a BABY! Due date is December 20. (Hopefully before?!?!) 15 Weeks down, 25 to go!
I have been feeling really great with the exception of being tired but I can deal with that! I have had 2 doctor appointments so far and we have been able to hear the heartbeat both times which is amazing! Next doctor's appointment is July 14 so stay tuned for more updates!